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That Fresh Ailee K-Pop Meme

When you buy a snack,
but you can't get it open.

That juice looks good,

Cuando compras un
bocadillo y no puedes


BTS Autumn Meme

Autumn is like. September.

October. | Otoño es así.

Septiembre. Octubre.

That Wonho Meme

Us: Working out at the gym.

Expectation. Reality.

Nos. Hacer ejercicio en

el gimnasio.

BTS McDonald's Meal Meme

Us: Headed to
McDonald's so we're
first in line for the BTS

Ir a McDonald's porque
queremos ser los
primeros en la fila para
la nueva comida de BTS.

K-pop Memes We Love

When it feels like you
have been studying for
5 hours but your phone
says 6 minutes.

BTS Memes We Love

When it's the middle of winter
and you see someone
wearing shorts.

Cuando es el medio del invierno
y ves a alguien usando
pantalones cortos.

BTS Memes We Love

Us: Up late studying for tomorrow's
test. Expectation. Reality.

K-Pop Memes We Love

Friends who like Halloween be like...
October 30th versus October 31st

K-Pop Memes We Love: HyunA

When you are sitting in a room by
yourself and something falls off
of a shelf.
Cuando usted está sentado en
una habitación por sí mismo y
algo se cae de un estante.


Fresh K-Pop Meme

International fans: Trying to stay
Aficionados internacionales:
Tratando de mantenerse
despiertos para ver un concierto.