K-Pop Highway Radio® MyWays

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K-Pop Highway Radio ® MyWays blog

Visit Korea: Jeongbang Waterfall

The Jeongbang waterfall 
is worthy of a k-pop song.
It's Korea's only waterfall 
that falls directly into the ocean.

Visit Korea: Dol Hareubang in Jeju Do

Don't call 'em 아버지.
These are "grandfather
of stone". Dol hareubang
are large rock statues. 
Next time you're on 
Jeju Island look out for them.

Visit Korea: Gyeongbokgyung Palace

Warm weather memories.
Gyeongbokgyung palace is the 
place to see cherry blossoms 
in the Spring. Binge watch
the k-drama Chicago Typewriter
to see it on T.V.